HiCart’s AI-Powered Shopping Carts

The Biggest Advancement for the Retail Industry Since the Barcode.

Make the jump to smart carts and take self check-out to a whole new level. Top retailers are using HiCart’s AI-powered shopping carts to increase sales, improve customer store experience and lower costs.

How AI-powered shopping carts work
How AI-powered shopping carts work
How AI-powered shopping carts work

About Our AI-Powered Shopping Carts

Size option to fit every store & shopping experience. From small to large carts, all with standard features that include …

AI-powered shopping carts have a LED display

Interactive LED Touchscreen Display with Wi-Fi

The HiCart tablet is intuitively designed so that consumers can easily navigate the system. The on-cart tablet uses familiar touch-screen technology that transforms grocery shopping into an interactive and convenient high-tech experience consumers already use at work, in their cars, on their smartphones, and in their homes.

Barcode scanner on digital shopping carts

On-Cart Barcode Scanner

Items are automatically scanned as they are passed under the mounted scanner, and the on-cart barcode scanner allows consumers to scan larger items manually. The scanner also removes items from the transaction list as consumers remove or exchange items. The scanner allows for the precise location of all items – even if they are unpaid.

AI-powered shopping carts include integrated sensors

Integrated Sensors, Camera & Scale to Ensure Item Accuracy

Not only are items automatically scanned and entered (or removed) onto the customer’s transaction list for purchase, but if a consumer bypasses the scanner, the weight sensors on the cart will alert the customer to an item that needs to be added. This feature will not allow the consumer to check out until this is corrected.

AI-powered shopping carts can be used for 12 hours on one charge

Lithium Rechargeable Battery For Up To 12 Hours Continuous Use

Once fully charged, the carts can withstand 12 hours of continuous use before needing to be recharged. When not in use, space-saving, stacked carts are easily recharged. These carts slide into place easily and do not waste floor space, and the rechargeable stacking stations ensure your carts are always ready for use.

Smart shopping carts are built for all weather conditions

Built With Heavy-Duty Plastic For All Weather Conditions

Available in several sizes to accommodate quick shopping trips or large weekly hauls, our carts are made of durable, heavy-duty plastic, so they are strong but also lightweight. They are nimble and allow for easy navigation through the store. All carts come with a coffee cup holder and a place to keep a cell phone with a charging port.

Ready to Plug in with HiCart and Unleash Your Stores’ Growth?