HiCart SaaS Software

Intelligent Shopping

With just a touch of the finger, HiCart transforms the on-cart shopping experience.

The HiCart SaaS Software-powered tablet is intuitively designed so that consumers can easily navigate the system, providing a superior customer experience.

  • The on-cart tablet uses familiar touch-screen technology that provides information on products, prices, discounts, and even reviews.
  • Automatically recognizes items by aligning bar codes to scanners.
  • A self-scanner uses interfacial guidance when items are placed in the cart’s basket.
HiCart smart carts use SaaS software
SaaS software provides a superior customer experience

For Shoppers

Empowering shoppers with an easy-to-use, content-rich, and customizable SaaS software solution.

Ability to load their shopping list to the tablet for ease of shopping.

Retail media for precision marketing – suggesting items within proximity based on purchasing behaviors, OR based upon their pre-loaded shopping list.

API integration with inventory, ERP, pricing & promotional systems.

On-cart mobile payment.

The HiCart SaaS software completes the transition of grocery shopping into an interactive and convenient high-tech experience consumers enjoy already at work, in their cars, on their smartphones, and in their homes.

For Retailers

SaaS software in our smart carts provides retailers with information and new revenue streams while curtailing loss prevention.

Get precise store location and purchasing metrics.

Allow for paid ads based on consumer proximity & location.

Automatic accounting of products as they are added to & removed from the cart’s basket.

Ready to Plug in with HiCart and Unleash Your Stores’ Growth?